Secretaries Page

Chapter Bingo Card Download your a bingo card for your chapter. Write in what your do. Get all twenty-five slots filled and send it in, to be recognized at Grand Chapter.

2024 OES Journey Scavenger Hunt List

Little Free Library Labels

2024  Sign in Sheets - (7-2-2024) (PDF Version)
Double Title Sheet (6-13-2024) (PDF Version)
2024 Song Sheet - (PDF Version)

Board of Relief Purpose and Guidelines - Updated 11-2023 
Board of Relief Application Form - Updated 2023
Cultivating Grass Roots for Growth 2009-2010 booklet
ESTARL Brochure - Update March 2024 This copy is formated for viewing
ESTARL Brochure formated for printing NOTE: One page is upside down to facilitate printing on both sides
Information on Educational Loans


2024 Chapter Election Form
2024 Order Form (Updated 4-23-24)
25 Year Certificate
Certificate of Good Standing
Dual Member Petition for Emailing
Honorary Member Certificate
New Member Guidebook
Notice of Affiliation
Notice of Rejection
Notice to Receive Degrees
Past Matrons / Past Patrons Certificate
Petition for Degrees
Petition for Dual Membership for Emailing
Petition for Affiliation for Emailing Pocket Petition Template
Proficiency Certificate
Resolution of Respect
Suspension Notice
Yellow Slip Master


Tell us what else you would like to have here.

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